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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Introduction to Microbiology

Introduces the science of microbiology including animal and/or foodborne microorganisms. Lectures explore the biology of microorganisms including but not limited to bacteria, 病毒, 真菌, prions and/or foodborne microorganisms. Topics include microbial identification and control. Laboratory experiences include performance of common procedures and tests used in microbiology. Lecture two hours; Lab two hours. Prerequisite: Completion of the Genesee Community College Math proficiency or concurrent enrollment in MAT 092 or MAT 108.

Subject Code: 生物

Course Number: 103

学分: 3

Lecture 小时 2

实验时间: 2

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify methods biological scientist use to explore natural phenomena.
2. Discuss events in the history of microbiology.
3. Compare and contrast the structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4. Explain the differences between Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria.
5. Describe the methods used to study microorganisms in the lab (growth media, staining techniques, isolation techniques, 等.).
6. Describe the growth requirements of different microbes.
7. Explain the fundamentals of bacterial genetics.
8. Describe physical and chemical methods of microbial control.
9. Describe the mechanism of action of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance.
10. Describe the mechanisms of pathogen replication.
11. Describe the host immune defenses.
12. Define zoonosis and state its implications for human health.
13. Describe the mechanisms of pathogenicity.
14. Describe a variety of pathogens and the diseases they cause (tetanus, 乳腺炎, skin infections, 狂犬病, 癣, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 等.).
15. Demonstrate proficiency in safety applications and the skills used by microbiologists in the laboratory.

Effective Term: 2022年春季

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Tutoring Services

Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, 数学, 写作, 化学, 物理, general biology, 解剖学 & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.